Senior Pragathi Vivaik is partnering with the American Red Cross to host the first blood drive at Country Day since November 2019. The blood drive will take place in the Benvenuti Gym on Friday, April 9.
Anyone 17 or older who is interested in donating is welcome to participate. Those who are 16 will need parental consent to donate. The parental consent form can be accessed here.
Vivaik urges anyone who can donate to donate. People outside the school are welcome to come and donate as well.
“One thing that I like to keep in mind is that just one donation can save up to three lives,” Vivaik said.
The donation process is also relatively short, she said.
“I personally love hosting blood drives because I feel like I’m able to bring an easy and accessible way to donate blood to the students in my school, Vivaik said. “I think hosting a blood drive within the school gives a lot of students the motivation to come to check it out and donate.”
To set up an appointment and get priority for the blood drive visit to register and reserve your spot.
— By Jonah David