By Emily Cook
Country Day’s tennis team has a 3-2 lead as of May 11.
The team lost two of the five matches to Forest Lake, but won both matches against CCAA and another against Golden Sierra.
“I’m not going to take the first loss to heart because I know that everyone played their best,” said junior and co-captain Sanjana Anand.
The season is unusual with no playoffs or championships and a total of five matches as of May 11.
“I’m glad we’re even able to play in the first place, and having a season at all is great,” said coach Jamie Nelson.
Senior co-captain Keshav Anand has liked how the season has gone so far.
“While my favorite thing about tennis is playing it, I also really enjoy the connections and social interactions between my teammates,” Keshav said.
Nelson said he’s proud about how everyone’s been playing, and he’s optimistic about the next season. He hopes everything can go back to normal so they can have playoffs and championships again.