The Octagon

A Sacramento Country Day School Newspaper

Interactive Media Online Exclusives

2022 In Review: The Octagon’s year-end highlights

From investigating mental health resources on campus and researching sex trafficking to reviewing fried chicken, The Octagon has worked throughout 2022 to report Sacramento’s stories. As the year draws to a close, travel through some of our highlights of 2022.

Limited mental health support at SCDS

Mental health has always been a challenge for high school students, with stressors such as interpersonal relationships, social media and academics – all while they are growing up and discovering …


February 03

Country Day music is sick.

How COVID-19 weakened Country Day music programs
Sitting with her assembled, yet unused trombone after a short Zoom band class, sophomore Harper Livesey decided to quit.
During the 2020-21 school year, Livesey …


February 05

Beneath the surface: Students with learning disabilities feel supported at SCDS

Whether you can’t focus on an assignment, require extended time on an exam or need support for a diagnosed learning disability, you can find help on campus by visiting the …


March 12

Sacramento is sex trafficking hub, adolescent community at risk

Sex trafficking, a term that has long secured its place on the covers of tabloids, is no longer a foreign phenomenon but a Sacramento-wide epidemic.
In 2017, the National Human Trafficking …


April 21

Ukrainian families adapt to life in Sacramento after fleeing war

While the war in Ukraine began months ago, its very human impact is continuing to be felt in Sacramento and the Country Day community. 
Michael Zacharia — father-in-law of high school …


May 25

Protesters gather at US Supreme Court after Roe v. Wade overturned

Thousands of people assembled outside the U.S. Supreme Court Friday to voice their views on the court’s decision to eliminate a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion.
Thomas Anfang was …


June 25

EDITORIAL: Make menstrual products free and easily accessible!

Whether you’ve forgotten your sanitary pads at home, your locker stash of tampons has run out or you’ve simply been caught off-guard by your body’s timing, you may be one …


October 03

Face to Facebook: New teachers at Country Day

Four faculty joined the Country Day high school teaching staff this fall. Read about them here!


October 22

Heavy workloads lead to student burnout

Amid school work, research projects and the college application season, many students are feeling the effects of burnout. Researchers who study high school students have described burnout as the result …


October 29

Chand’s Chicken Check-in: Reviewing Nashville Spicy Chicken spots throughout Sacramento

Close your eyes and think about your favorite comfort food. Now, open them, and if your answer did not involve your hands grasping a warm brioche bun, a juicy piece …


November 23

CAVALIER VOICES: What do you want to appreciate more

We asked Country Day students what they want to be more appreciative of!


November 24

New Kids on the Block: Learn about 2022-23’s new arrivals

Read about 19 new students entering the high school this year!


November 30

EDITORIAL: We should work to add a greater variety of voices to our curriculum

Senior Amaya Anguiano entered Country Day high school fully expecting to be overlooked in the curriculum.But, she wasn’t. Here at Country Day, diversity has and should continue to be extended …


December 18

Inside the Sacramento animal shelters

 Inside Animal Shelters
A motion sensor flashes the lights on when visitors walk into the dog kennels at the Sacramento Front Street Animal Shelter. Inside each room, visitors are greeted with …


December 21


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