The Octagon

A Sacramento Country Day School Newspaper


FRESHMAN FOCUS: Minh Dang, ’23, enjoys her first year of college, surrounded by supportive community

Minh Dang, ’23, is a student at Loyola Marymount University (LMU). She is majoring in Management and Leadership.

Q: Why did you choose to go to Loyola Marymount University?

A: It’s in a big city, so there’s a lot of job opportunities, which will be very helpful after I graduate. I am comfortable with the weather because it’s pretty sunny, and overall it’s a good school. 

Q: Why did you choose to major in Management and Leadership?

A: I love business management. My dad is a businessman and he inspired me to major in business. We talked about business a lot together and that got me interested. 

Q: What are some of the classes you are taking?

A: Some of the classes I’m taking this semester are Introductory Economics, Basic Business for Good and Rhetorical Arts. 

At LMU, we have to take a theology course of our choice and I chose Christianity. 

My favorite class is Rhetorical Arts because my professor is a really great teacher. I like that class because we get to see a lot of movies about art and discuss them in class.

All of my teachers are really friendly. They try their best to have a lot of time available for students. They host a lot of office hours. 

 It seems like all the classes have a  class size of 20 people each, which is similar to the class sizes in Country Day. 

Q: How was your transition from Country Day to college?

A: Not too bad. I think one of my problems was being homesick and being away from my parents. But I already experienced that in Country Day because I was an international student from Saigon, Vietnam. So it’s not a big deal, and I don’t feel very homesick. The transition was pretty good. 

 I think Country Day helped prepare me for college. It’s more about personal life and how I’m managing time. I felt more independent during my time at Country Day. 

Q: What’s your favorite part of college so far?

A: My dorm is really close to my classes so it only takes me two minutes to walk there which is nice. 

My dorm also has a perfect view. There’s a really pretty garden in the middle of LMU’s campus called Sunken Garden. From the view of my room, you can see the whole garden and it’s so fresh and beautiful. 

Q: Do you have any advice for the class of 2024?

A: Prepare yourself to live away from your parents because that could be a big problem. To overcome my homesickness, I used to video call with my parents every night. 

I reminded myself to always focus on my goal, which was coming to the U.S. to study, so I wouldn’t spend too much of my time being homesick. 

Also, I know people are going to be stressed about what colleges they’re going to get into, but when the school year starts, you are just going to be worrying about homework and tests again so the name of the college doesn’t really matter.


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