The Octagon

A Sacramento Country Day School Newspaper

Editors' Picks From Copy to .Com Opinion

ZOOMING AWAY: Releasing the elephant from the newsroom

This story marks the end of about 1,000 hours poured into the Octagon this year. That’s an average of 27 hours per week!

Between attending paste-ups, elective periods and meetings with Mr. Bauman and the other editors-in-chief; writing, editing and posting stories; answering staffers’ texts with essays; and financing the Octagon as business manager, the Octagon has rivaled schoolwork and become my favorite method of productive procrastination.

I absolutely love being on the Octagon — I highly recommend reading Héloïse’s senior goodbye, which explains a few of the many aspects I enjoy — and am proud of the product of these hours.

However, my experience has often been marred by a harmful, pervasive aspect of Country Day’s culture.

In my final article, I want to address the hateful attitude toward the Octagon despite the school’s mission statement of nurturing “empathy, integrity and responsibility in a safe and supportive community that values kindness, respect and civic engagement.”

We need to change this culture, inside and outside the walls of the Cave. Everyone has a role to play. 

To those who resent the Octagon, I understand you may have been misquoted, your interviewer may have been late or you may feel wronged for another reason, and on behalf of the Octagon, I apologize. We take our responsibilities as journalists seriously, always quote-checking and correcting mistakes, and we appreciate your time and involvement. 

People, especially high schoolers, are flawed, and we, on the Octagon, are no exception. All professionals commit errors, and in journalism, those mistakes can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to rectify them, which we always do. 

With this in mind, understand that we aim for professional quality with high school-level resources and training. Despite our best efforts, errors slip through the cracks and damage our relationship with the student body, teachers and administration. 

Just as newspapers hold people accountable, our readers must also hold us accountable. 

But the anti-Octagon discussions and jokes I heard daily pre-quarantine were not productive, rarely proposing changes or offering advice. In fact, most of these conversations served only to vilify and belittle the newspaper, its staff and the long hours poured into the publication. 

For example, during a class presentation in which seniors discussed anything they wanted — a project meant to help us get to know each other better — a peer used the opportunity to disparage the Octagon. 

“You know what I would do to fix the Octagon?” he joked. 

“Get rid of it.”

The class erupted into laughter, while fellow editor-in-chief Anna Frankel and I exchanged upset looks of horror, embarrassment and ostracization. Would the class’s reaction and the teacher’s lack thereof be the same if the crack had been made at Jazz Band? Volleyball? Mock Trial?

Exemplifying Country Day’s attitude toward the Octagon, comments such as this one build a baneful atmosphere that not only demonizes the student publication at a time when community and truth are crucial, but also strips students of their pride in their hard work. 

If I’m able to spark change with this final article, I want future students to feel represented and empowered by the Octagon and future staffers to feel supported by their peers, teachers and administration. 

It may take generations of students to completely achieve this, but you can take the first step toward that respectful environment that will not only allow Octagon staffers, but the entire student body, to flourish. A supported Octagon can better support students — showcasing their accomplishments, informing them of school developments and amplifying their voices — and the school as a whole. 

I know Country Day cares about its students. I know my peers are empathetic and want to see their friends thrive. So let’s start ending this toxic culture that contradicts everything SCDS stands for. 

To students:

We’re here because we love what we do, but we’re also here for you — to inform you, celebrate you and ensure your voice is heard. 

To facilitate this, I introduced the Story Idea Box at the beginning of the year: a box in which students could submit the stories they wanted to be written. However, the box remained empty the entire year. 

Communicate with us. Offer suggestions and constructive feedback. 

But above all, don’t turn your backs on us if we make a mistake and correct it. 

Student groups aren’t perfect. Work with us so we can use our errors to improve. 

Nothing is gained by bashing the Octagon. What could you gain by supporting it? 

To teachers:

When we put 1,000 hours into something we love, it’s constantly mocked by students and teachers say nothing or even join in, it hurts. It feels incredibly personal. 

There is a harmful cultural norm at SCDS in which deriding the Octagon is acceptable. If students kept ridiculing an orchestra performance in front of the musicians, how would you react? 

To administrators: 

We need to treat each other respectfully.

No real newspaper has a perfect relationship with its administration. (Those that do are propaganda machines.) But if we reframe our relationship to one of respect instead of viewing each other as threats to achieving our respective objectives, we’ll be able to communicate better — which is beneficial for everyone. 

Earlier in the year, I spoke with an administrator who treated us as a threat. In front of a group of students, the administrator disrespectfully interrogated us and asked for prior review of a story, which could operationalize censorship. 

Later, head of high school Brooke Wells took a better approach to the same situation. Instead of talking at me, he talked with me, and we discussed the situation and came to an understanding.

We’re not your enemy. We share the goal of making Country Day an exceptional community. With the Octagon’s finger on the pulse of community opinion, and given the administration’s ability to effect change, a symbiotic relationship between us will significantly benefit SCDS. 

And finally, to my fellow staffers: 

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Over this past year, I’ve learned so much from you.

However, the following lesson is more important than anything else you’ve learned this year (yes, even comma before coordinating conjunction separating two independent clauses): 

We need to have each other’s backs. 

I know it’s easier to go with the flow and diss the Octagon — tempting, even, when the work piles up and the editors dump mountains of comments on your stories. I felt the same as an underclassman before I took on more responsibilities. 

But in the end, it’s only detrimental to you, your friends and our work. 

Take ownership of the Octagon — the good and the bad. Be proud of the publication and your achievements, and be empowered by contributing to something greater than yourself. 

This also means taking ownership of our mistakes, even if it wasn’t your fault. As easy as it is to push the blame on someone else and distance ourselves from the error, we need to stand by one another. 

Because if we don’t establish solidarity among ourselves, how can we expect it from others?

—By Larkin Barnard-Bahn

Originally published in the May 26 edition of the Octagon.


  1. Hi Larkin, as a proud former Octagon reporter and editor-in-chief (’06), it saddens me to hear that the SCDS community may not be respecting what has long been one of the school’s major assets. I learned a lot at SCDS over my 12 years, but what I learned as a member of the school newspaper wasn’t simply educational — it changed my life path.

    As the senior editor of NBC News’ opinion section, I have a front row seat to the way freedom of the press is being disrespected and eroded around the country and indeed the world. Now more than ever it is vital that we teach young Americans to respect the press and what it stands for. And it would be a real tragedy if a school like SCDS let its students and its community down by doing the opposite.

  2. I mean… other students can laugh, but the objective reality is that Octagon both attracts and breeds the most successful SCDS students.

    You can literally go through almost 50 years of Octagon newspaper coverage and pull up dozens of examples of tangible change the Octagon made in the school & the community. It is a remarkable publication by any metric. And about typos and misquotes – I read the Cornell Daily Sun regularly and despite being renowned as one of the best university newspapers, I find errors in their articles all the time. Errors that the Octagon would never make. Even newspaper businesses like NYT and Wash Post make mistakes. The Octagon has produced extremely high-quality content for HALF A CENTURY – the school admin should feel ashamed for dismantling the program the way they did. Ridiculous.

    Anyway, keep up the good work, writers! You are in the right.

  3. I agree with Marigot and Meredith completely. I never regret for a second joining the Octagon.
    The Octagon is one of the strongest assets of Country Day. It was hard for me coming to the end of my high school career, after 12 years of growing up at Country Day, being censored by people I had known most of my life.
    As a Managing Editor at The Stanford Daily, I really encourage staffers to not let your experience here tarnish journalism for you. Your work will be recognized and respected.
    Keep writing. Keep pressing for more. Keep effecting change by giving the silenced this platform.
    There are silent supporters of The Octagon out there among the faculty, and you’ll always have Octagon alumni in your corner. You have so much more power than you know.

  4. Larkin,

    As a proud former editor-in-chief (’92) of the Octagon, a Country Day lifer and a current parent of two lower school students, I was despondent after reading your farewell column. The culture of intimidation and ridicule that you described is antithetical to the Country Day I know and love.

    High school students are high school students. There can be an unfortunate tendency to tear each other down, especially when those others are highly successful as Octagon staffers and editors often are. It is the job of the faculty and the administration to shape a respectful, caring school culture via both word and deed. When the administration seeks to coerce and censor the student newspaper and publicly bullies and belittles newspaper staff, it green-lights the same behavior from the student body. Equally important, censorship of the Octagon goes against Country Day’s fundamental values and educational mission. The Octagon is, after all, a high school class designed to teach students the craft of responsible journalism, including the vital importance of a free and independent press.

    When I hear that some Country Day faculty members turn a deaf ear to, or worse, may join in the ridicule of the Octagon and its staff, I am enraged and aghast. Who are these purported educators that mock and belittle their students’ efforts? These are not the Country Day teachers I know. One of the most special aspects of Country Day is the relationships that students develop with their teachers. These relationships are often deep and lifelong. They are the kind of relationships that inspire scores of alumni spanning multiple decades to travel from afar to celebrate the retirement of a beloved teacher or come together to mourn the untimely death of another. These kinds of relationships are built on kind and caring mentoring and consist of mutual respect. No faculty member should ever belittle a student, nor should they condone a culture of denigration. For shame.

    The Octagon has a long, proud tradition of excellence and independence. Its quality is attested to by the countless awards it has won year after year, decade after decade. It is a phenomenal Country Day student product that should be celebrated with pride. I do not understand the attitude of fear and mistrust displayed by some members of the faculty and administration. Celebrate your hard-hitting high school journalists. Revel in their spunk, spirit and excellence. If you don’t like the way you or the school is portrayed in a story, write a letter to the editor — model appropriate, adult disagreement. Teach staffers how to be better when they fall short. Country Day is a school, after all. Students are there to learn.

    Larkin, and the rest of the Octagon staff, be proud. You have handled yourselves incredibly well over a span of several very difficult years. Keep up the excellent work.


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