Country Day will resume in-person teaching when the fall semester begins on Sept. 1 — though with a modified system.
According to head of school Lee Thomsen’s email to families on June 12, students will be organized into cohorts to reduce contact. The middle school and high school will adopt an alternating schedule of on-campus and at-home learning, with half of the students on campus every day. While on campus, adults and students will be asked to wear face masks and stay 6 feet apart. Lunch service will continue to be offered, though all lunches will be served in classrooms.
The lower school will have in-person classes every day. Each grade will be split into two or three cohorts, which will have designated spaces to learn, recess and have lunch. Specialized educators will teach at the cohorts’ designated locations. In addition, recess and lunch schedules may be staggered.
Country Day will suspend choir and wind instrument activities and will limit athletics. Field trips are also suspended but may be rescheduled in the spring.
Remote-learning opportunities will be available to students who cannot attend school in-person.
The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) announced on June 12 that, in collaboration with its 10 sections, it will determine by July 20 if the fall sports seasons will be played as scheduled. Country Day is a member of the Sac-Joaquin Section in the CIF.
After-School Enrichment will continue to be offered, though with a limited capacity and time frame. Early drop-offs will begin at 7:45 a.m., and students should be picked up by 6 p.m. Students will be split into cohorts by grade, and one counselor will be assigned to each grade.
Thomsen’s email also mentions additional safety protocols.
Parents will be asked to monitor students for respiratory symptoms and to take their temperature every morning. If a student has a temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees or shows respiratory symptoms, parents should keep the student home.
In addition, students may have their temperature taken on-campus. If a student experiences symptoms on campus, they will be asked to put on a mask, if they are not already wearing one, and escorted to a designated area for pick-up.
Country Day will disinfect the campus nightly. Shared surfaces will be disinfected frequently during the day.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they must notify the school immediately and remain home. Country Day will work with the Sacramento County Public Health Department to determine if quarantine is necessary for anyone else. Remote learning will be organized for students under quarantine.
“Our goal is to protect the health and safety of our community while also balancing our students’ educational and social-emotional needs,” Thomsen said in the email.
—By Ming Zhu