The Octagon

A Sacramento Country Day School Newspaper


City to hold public hearing on request to increase building area, enrollment cap

In a virtual public hearing on Thursday, July 30, the City of Sacramento will consider Country Day’s request for several modifications to its Conditional Use Permit (CUP).

The request includes increasing allowed building space from 71,140 square feet to 81,879, raising the total enrollment cap almost 10% (from 544 to 596), extending the term of use of two portable high school buildings, clarifying the count of parking spaces on campus and reducing off-site parking spaces.

The Community Development Department hearing will begin at 5 p.m. on July 30. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be conducted online in a WebEx webinar (a videoconferencing software mainly used by corporations). The public is invited to watch and comment on the issues presented.

The requested increase in square footage is due to the possible replacement of the Multipurpose Room and L-shaped middle school building with two-story structures.

The requested enrollment increase is mostly for the high school, whose cap would rise from 144 to 180 students. The request states that the current caps of about 50 students per grade in middle school and of 36 in high school force some graduating middle school students to leave Country Day, reducing the growth of the high school.

The remaining issues in the request are regulatory items, such as extending the five-year limit of the two portable classrooms behind the gym so they can still be used, reducing parking spaces at Sierra Arden Community Church (890 Morse Ave.) from 50 to 25 and clarifying whether spaces on Latham Drive are included in the required parking space count on campus.

For more information on the hearing, such as how to join, click here

— By Nihal Gulati


  1. I would be interested in a clarification of this part of the story: “reducing offsite parking spaces that Country Day doesn’t need.” Are these spaces on the streets surrounding the school? If so, which ones are they?


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