California Interscholastic Federation pushes all sports to winter, spring
On July 20, the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) announced all sports have been pushed back to December or later due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sports in 2020-21 will be divided into two seasons instead of three.
Country Day is part of the Sac-Joaquin Section.
The fall season, which has been moved to winter, consists of cross country, soccer and volleyball at Country Day. Practices for these sports will begin on Dec. 14. The first contests are on Dec. 28 or Dec. 29.
The winter and spring seasons have been combined, and those sports will start at staggered times.
Tennis and basketball begin practice on Feb. 22, with opening contests on March 8 and March 9, respectively.
Swimming and baseball start practicing on March 8, with opening contests on March 22. The spring season is rounded out with golf and track and field, which practice starting March 15 with opening contests on March 29.
For more details on scheduling, click here.
The Sac-Joaquin Section also announced a tentative playoff schedule. Cross country, soccer and volleyball have playoff dates scattered throughout March. Tennis, basketball, swimming and baseball have playoff contests in late May or early June. Golf and track and field are scheduled to culminate in June.
For details on playoff scheduling, click here.
Athletic director Matt Vargo said the announcement did not surprise him, although he had expected three full seasons instead of two.
Having only two seasons may create conflicts for some students, but Vargo said small schools are used to planning around this.
“Our league has already met, and basketball, baseball, golf and track and field will play on different days of the week in the spring so small schools can make it easier on multiple-sport athletes,” Vargo said.
Ski and snowboard is run by the CIF’s Northern Section, Vargo said. Counties in the section have not been as affected as those in the Sac-Joaquin and will operate under a three-season schedule but without state championships. Vargo added that the Northern Section has not released ski and snowboard details but he expects the season to run almost normally.
— By Ethan Monasa
Thanks to Ethan Monasa’s news article in the Octagon I am encouraged that the school is planning ahead to incorporate some sports activities this coming 2020-2021 year. There may be some students that have exercise routines built into every week and are disciplined enough to keep at them. It does help if parents can do the same and be good role models. At 75 years of age I missed going to yoga during Florida’s shelter-in-place for months. Online line websites did help, but exercise in groups is more motivational for me. Hats off to SCDS’s athletic staff. I appreciate your time, effort, and patience. Pat Mickler, Grandmother of 4 Country Day students